Psarantonis & The Ensemble Xylouris Songtext

Αντάρτες tων bουνών / Mountain rebels
  1. O chorόs tis vrochis (Rain dance)
  2. Ine forés pou me methi (At times i get drunk)
  3. Paráta mblió tin xenitiá (Little jasmine)
  4. Na min afinis giasemi (Jasmine beware)
  5. Anti na kléo tragoudó (I sing rather than cry)
  6. Aspri kátaspri (Lily white)
  7. Mazi chará kei lipi (Joy and sorrow combined)
  8. Kontiliés
  9. Kimáte o ilios sta vouná (The sun sleeps in the mountains)
  10. Kantáda (Serenade)
  11. Rethymniótika sirtó (Syrto from rethymnon)
  12. Naráidas gié (Son of the fairies)
  13. Chaniótiko sirtó (Syrto from chania)