
Bigger Boat Lyrics

Heard a loud pounding sound and saw a friend nailing
his shoes to the ground and though he walks every street in this
town he's set to make sure he stays down
climbed the ladder out of hell and found a new
place in which to dwell but from the look on
your face we all could tell - you walked a
red carpet to your prison cell
can't wait until my health's
up so I can get set to self
destruct, gonna tiptoe above
disaster - weighted down by
pride, you'll fall faster
And what really hurts is everyone's proclivity to paint over the dirt -
for what it's worth the old colors are still showing through and this
new ship I'm sailing is sailing nowhere new. They're still shining
through and this new ship I'm sailing is saying nothing new.
When you jump ship and the waters ice cold - you've got your
pick of life boats.
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Waiting to Wash Up (2006)
Disapproval Rating Bigger Boat The New Justin (I Wanna Be) Sew It Seems Comfortably Dumb Sincerity Is So Pretentious Get Out of the Shower (You're Already Washed Up) Up a Lazy River Spring Fevers Summer Colds Dischord Datchord Prince of the Land of Stench If We Can't Sit at the Table (Then Let's Knock the Fucking Legs Off) Pinch a Penny, Grab a Dollar Self-Pity Begot Self Importance