Paul Heaton Songtext

Acid Country
  1. The Old Radio
  2. Even a Palm Tree
  3. It's a Young Man's Game
  4. Welcome to the South
  5. Life of a Cat
  6. House Party
  7. This House
  8. The Ladder's Bottom Rung
  9. Acid Country
  10. A Cold One in the Fridge
The Cross Eyed Rambler
  1. The Cross Eyed Rambler
  2. I Do
  3. Mermaids and Slaves
  4. The Pub
  5. A Good Old Fashioned Town
  6. The Ring From Your Hand
  7. The Balcony
  8. Deckchair Collapsed
  9. Little Red Rooster
  10. God Bless Texas
  11. The Kids These Days
  12. Everything Is Everything