if you can't do for me I won't do for you, only benefit myself, now I'll stick you, take advantage, you were used, look up to me, shattered dreams, you're a sucker, face the facts, my loyalty to nobody, only loyal to myself, used and abused friendships, I turned the shiv in your back
Intro 1Get Off da Nutz of da One Life NiggazWhy Can't We Get AlongSportbike AttackPure Disgust, Part 2Intro 2Intro 3Behind the DoorsIntro 4Calipso LouieIntro 5America FirstCease a**istanceCoatrackBlood Is Thicka Than WaterWaste of s***eOur Fight 1990h8Intro 6In the CrosshairsIntro 7Ebonic PlagueIntro 8Shiv in Your BackBrit-PigIntro 9PovertypimpEmo FaggariosToo Much Authority DayBy Mutha Fuckin' DayIntro 10Clean Up the CagesOn the CuffIntro 11PoolsideOne Life Drug FreeDascrillaRap 1Rap 2Final WordThe Prohibition 2000[unknown]