Hic cuando Telethusa circulatrix.
Qua clunem tunica tegente nulla.
s**um latius altiusque motat.
Crisabit tibi fluctuante lumbo.
Haec sic non mode te Priape posit.
Privignum quoque sed movere Phaedrae.
When Telethusa, that little street s***
Who loves to shake her naked b***
Moving her p**** up and down, left and right
Wiggling with her c*** in plain sight
She'll move you, Priapus, make you hot
And even Hippolytus(*) can withstand her not
(* The nephew of Phaedrae; character from classic Greek history)
Qua clunem tunica tegente nulla.
s**um latius altiusque motat.
Crisabit tibi fluctuante lumbo.
Haec sic non mode te Priape posit.
Privignum quoque sed movere Phaedrae.
When Telethusa, that little street s***
Who loves to shake her naked b***
Moving her p**** up and down, left and right
Wiggling with her c*** in plain sight
She'll move you, Priapus, make you hot
And even Hippolytus(*) can withstand her not
(* The nephew of Phaedrae; character from classic Greek history)