Omar Rodriguez Lopez Songtext

  1. Reap the Roots
  2. Tandem Happiness
  3. Fielding Souls
  4. What's Left in You
  5. Spell Broken Hearts
  6. If It Was a Snake It Would Have Bit You
  7. Hollow Change
  8. Archangel
  9. Tentáculos de Fé
  10. Random Bouts of Shadow
El bien y mal nos une
  1. Violenica cotidiana
  2. Acuérdate
  3. Un acto de fe
  4. Amor frío
  5. Perdido
  6. Humor sufí
  7. La voz
  8. Yo soy la destrucción
  9. Planetas sin sol
  10. Estrella caída
Umbrella Mistress
  1. Saloenliaze
  2. Umbrella Mistress
  3. Houses Full of Hurt
  4. Eastern Promises
  5. Blood Count
  6. Through Wires
  7. Blue Pale Queen
  8. Tell Me What I Did Wrong
  9. Winters Gone
  10. Diamond Teeth
Blind Worms, Pious Swine
  1. Vanishing Tide
  2. Atlantis Is Rising
  3. Black Mass
  4. Lights
  5. Tunnel Riot
  6. Savage Letters
  7. Mariposa
  8. Swollen Neck
  9. Hieroglyphs From Hell
  10. Acacia
  11. Only Nothing Is
Unicorn Skeleton Mask
  1. Storm Shadow
  2. Happiness
  3. Right of Way
  4. Sea Is Rising
  5. Tennesse
  6. Maria te canta
  7. Remember
  8. Names
  9. Bored to Burns
  10. Careful Me
Un escorpión perfumado
  1. Estrangular el extranjero
  2. Que disse Pessoa?
  3. Agua dulce de pulpo
  4. ¿Incesto o pasión?
  5. Mensaje imputente
  6. El diablo y la tierra
Cizaña de los amores
  1. Soledad y silencio
  2. No hay más respuestas
  3. Víctimas del cielo
  4. Corazón
  5. De piedra
  6. Infiel hasta la muerte
  7. Nada de amor
  8. Carne de perro
  1. Los siete sermones a los muertos
  2. Polaridad
  3. La paradoja divina
  4. Contra suspiros
  5. El todo
  6. Piedras y ansiedad
  7. El ritual como fin en sí mismo
  8. Consecuencias
  1. In einem Jahr mit 13
  2. Liebe ist kälter als der Tod
  3. Satansbraten
  4. Angst essen Seele auf
  5. Martha
  6. Rio das Mortes
  7. Warnung vor einer heilgen Nutte
  8. Chinesisches Roulette
  9. Lola
  10. Angst vor der Angst
  1. A Device Imagined to Turn
  2. Screaming Babies Inside Out
  3. Bells at the Slipstream
  4. Good Is Repaid With Evil
  5. Panta Section
  6. Hands Vs. Helix
  7. Dispanec Triage
  8. Dead Hisses to Match Our Own
Old Money
  1. The Power of Myth
  2. How to Bill the Bilderberg Group
  3. Population Council's Wet Dream
  4. Private Fortunes
  5. Trilateral Commission as Dinner Guests
  6. 1921
  7. Family War Funding (Love Those Rothschilds)
  8. Vipers in the Bosom
  9. I Like Rockefellers' First Two Albums, but After That...
  10. Old Money
Minor Cuts and Scrapes in the Bushes Ahead
  1. Solenoid Mosque
  2. Trident Resting on the Pulse
  3. Work on Motors
  4. Electrodorphines
  5. Thankless Serpent
  6. Devouring a Sibling
  7. White Paint White Meat
  8. Sliding In and Out of a Laceration
  9. A Pinching Invention
  10. Atrotecism Fenleon
Calibration (Is Pushing Luck and Key Too Far)
  1. Mexico
  2. El monte T'Aï
  3. Una ced lacerante
  4. Calibration...
  5. Grey (canción para él)
  6. Glosa Picaresca Wou Mên
  7. Sidewalk Fins
  8. Lick the Tilting Poppies
  9. Cortar el cuello
  10. ...Is Pushing Luck
  11. Las lágrimas de Arakuine
Se dice bisonte, no búfalo
  1. The Lukewarm
  2. Luxury of Infancy
  3. Rapid Fire Tollbooth
  4. Thermometer Drinking the Business of Turnstiles
  5. Se dice bisonte, no búfalo
  6. If Gravity Lulls, I Can Hear the World Pant
  7. Please Heat This Eventually
  8. Lurking About in a Cold Sweat (Held Together by Venom)
  9. Boiling Death Request a Body to Rest Its Head On
  10. La tiranía de la tradición