Oi Polloi Songtext

Total Resistance to the f****** System
  1. Stay Alert
  2. It Doesn't Have to Be Like This
  3. Let the Boots Do the Talking
  4. Carson? (intro)
  5. Carson?
  6. An Drochaid Thoraidh (intro)
  7. An Drochaid Thoraidh
  8. Pictures of Women Giving Birth Sell Records
  9. Shhh...it
  10. Concrete Jungle
Outraged by the System
  1. Resist the Atomic Menace
  2. Death by Night
  3. Outrage
  4. Thugs in Uniform
  5. Leaders
  6. Minority Authority
  7. Go Green
  8. Scum
  9. They Shoot Children
  10. The Only Release
  11. Foundations for a Future
  12. No Filthy Nuclear Power
Unite and Win!
  1. Punx 'n' Skins
  2. We Don't Need Them
  3. Kill the Bill
  4. Lowest of the Low
  5. Nuclear Waste
  6. Pigs for Slaughter (extended mix!!)
  7. Scum
  8. Thrown on the Scrapyard
  9. Punx Picnic in Princes Street Gardens
  10. Mindless Few
  11. Unite and Win