
The Environment Lyrics

People say we need to stop releasing CO2
And we got to protect the endangered animals by putting them in the zoo
Save the forest, get a hybrid
Please recycle, we should try it
I say that is all a load of c***
Nobody cares about the environment!
What's the environment ever done for us?
And why should we even care?
The environment has nothing to share!
So burn down the forests and kill the koala bears!

Scientists say that global warming's gonna fry us up
And we shouldn't use the lakes and rivers for our toxic waste dumps
Hole in the ozone, ice caps are melting
It's not my problem so why should I be helping?
I do not owe the planet one gosh darn thing!

Because nobody cares about the environment!
What's the environment ever done for us?
And why should we even care?
The environment has nothing to share!
So burn down the forests and kill the koala bears!
Okay seriously people, what has the environment done for us?
--Well it's given us oxygen for one!
Alright fine, but besides oxygen, what has the--
--The uh... water?
Besides the oxygen and the water, what has the--
--I know! The fruits and vegetables that we eat!
Alright fine. What has the environment given us besides the oxygen, the water, the fruits and the vegetables?
--The... koala bears?
--I thought they were kinda cute...
No the stupid environment has done nothing! Does the environment pay me?! No!
--Well, money is made from paper and paper is made from--
--Only you can prevent forest fires--
Nobody cares about the environment!
What's the environment ever done for us?
And why should we even care?
The environment has nothing to share!
So burn down the forests and kill the koala bears!
Oh hi Mr. Gore! How are you doing?
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Advanced at Nothing (2008)
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