
Who Dies? Lyrics

Bounded by an honour - dedicated cause
On wings of destiny they fly
born to bring the storm
Born to fly for freedom - just out of the sun
On wings of destiny they fly
they'll never stop till won
Dying so victorious - die to win the prize
Be brave, be strong
Too late for a second thought
ablaze and going on
They'll be brave, they'll be strong
on impact knows he's won
There'll be no surrender as they march on to hell
Be brave, be strong
Dying for your kingdom, dying for your mon
They'll be brave, they'll be strong
on impact knows he's won

Too late for run, too late for won
Hey guy, be brave, be strong
Who dies? Who's gonna win?
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Revenge of the Beast (2008)
Magic Forest Haunted Warfare Nightstalker On Pain of Death Blood Sky Who Dies? Refugee Skull & Bone Commit Suicide War in the Cradle One Universe