Mostly Autumn Songtext

Storms Over Still Water
  1. Out of the Green Sky
  2. Broken Glass
  3. Ghost in Dreamland
  4. Heart Life
  5. The End of the World
  6. Black Rain
  7. Coming to...
  8. Candle to the Sky
  9. Carpe Diem
  10. Storms Over Still Water
  11. Tomorrow
Music Inspired by The Lord of the Rings
  1. Overture - Forge of Sauron
  2. Greenwood the Great
  3. Goodbye Alone
  4. Out of the Inn
  5. On the Wings of Gwaihir
  6. At Last to Rivendell
  7. Journey's Thought
  8. Caradhras the Cruel
  9. The Riders of Rohan
  10. Lothlorien
  11. The Return of the King
  12. To the Grey Havens
  13. Helm's Deep
The Spirit of Autumn Past
  1. Winter Mountain
  2. This Great Blue Pearl
  3. Pieces of Love
  4. Please
  5. Evergreen
  6. Styhead Tarn
  7. Shindig
  8. Blakey Ridge / When Waters Meet
  9. Underneath the Ice
  10. Through the Windows
  11. The Spirit of Autumn Past, Part 1
  12. The Spirit of Autumn Past, Part 2
  13. The Gap Is Too Wide