Michelle Shocked Songtext

Soul of My Soul
  1. Love's Song
  2. Other People
  3. Liquid Prayer
  4. Ballad of the Battle of the Ballot and the Bullet, Part 1: Ugly Americans
  5. Waterproof
  6. Paper Boy
  7. Giant Killer
  8. Heart to Heart
  9. Pompeii
  10. True Story
Got No Strings
  1. To Be a Cat
  2. Give a Little Whistle
  3. Got No Strings
  4. Spoonful of Sugar
  5. Spectrum
  6. Wish Upon a Star
  7. Baby Mine
  8. A Dream Is a Wish
  9. Bare Neccessities
  10. On the Front Porch
Mexican Standoff
  1. Lonely Planet
  2. La Cantina El Gato Negro
  3. Wanted Man
  4. Picoesque
  5. Match Burns Twice
  6. Mouth of the Mississippi
  7. Bitter Pill
  8. 180 Proof
  9. Weasel Be Poppin'
  10. Blackjack Heart
Don't Ask Don't Tell
  1. Early Morning Saturday
  2. How You Play the Game
  3. Don't Ask
  4. Used Car Lot
  5. Hardly Gonna Miss Him
  6. Evacuation Route
  7. Fools Like Us
  8. Elaborate Sabotage
  9. Don't Tell
  10. Goodbye
  11. Hi Skool
Deep Natural
  1. Go Dub
  2. I Know What U Dub
  3. Match Burns Dub
  4. DOD Dub
  5. House Burns Dub
  6. Forget to Dub
  7. Why Do I Dub?
  8. Draughts of Dublin
  9. What Dub?
  10. Peachfuzz (version dub)
  11. Can't Take My Dub
  12. Fat Brown Snake Dub
  13. F2F Dub
  14. (((Joy)))
  15. What Can I Say
  16. Why Do I Get the Feeling
  17. Good News
  18. Forgive to Forget
  19. That's So Amazing
  20. Peachfuzz
  21. I Know What You Need
  22. Can't Take My Joy
  23. Little Billie
  24. If Not Here
  25. Moanin' Dove
  26. House Burning Down
  27. Psalm
  28. Go in Peace
Good News
  1. Good News
  2. Can't Take My Joy
  3. Forgive to Forget
  4. Little Billie
  5. What Can I Say?
  6. Why Do I Get the Feeling?
  7. No Wonder
  8. You Take the Cake
  9. Tabloid
  10. Crying Shame
  11. Hardcore Hornography
Kind Hearted Women
  1. Stillborn
  2. Homestead
  3. Winter Wheat
  4. Cold Comfort
  5. Eddie
  6. A Child Like Grace
  7. Fever Breaks
  8. Silver Spoon
  9. Hard Way
  10. No Sign of Rain
Captain Swing
  1. God is a Real Estate Developer
  2. On the Greener Side
  3. Silent Ways
  4. Sleep Keeps Me Awake
  5. The Cement Lament
  6. (Don't You Mess Around With) My Little Sister
  7. Looks Like Mona Lisa
  8. Too Little Too Late
  9. Streetcorner Ambassador
  10. Must Be Luff
  11. Russian Roulette