
Lesson 14 Lyrics

Foundation (8-hour) course: CD 2 Track 3 Review course
CD 1 Track 14

0:00 I'm staying home tonight Sto a casa stasera perché
because I'm tired. sono stanco. 
0:55 to prepare preparare 
1:01 I'm preparing it. Lo preparo. 
1:08 Why don't you prepare Perché non lo prepara
it for me? per me? 
1:46 the dinner la cena 
1:56 to dine / to have dinner cenare 
2:01 Will you have dinner with Vuole (Vuol) cenare con
me tonight? me stasera? 
2:29 Where do you want to have Dove vuole cenare stasera?
dinner tonight? ✗
2:50 I cannot speak with you Non posso parlare con lei
because I'm eating. perché mangio. 
3:06 I eat / I do eat / I am eating mangio 
3:11 For 'I'm eating' you can also say 'sto mangiando' meaning 'I'm
in the process of eating'. 'I am in the process' is 'sto' + -ando
for -are verbs, -endo for the others. ✗
3:46 I am eating. Sto mangiando. 
4:05 What are you preparing? Cosa prepara? 
4:15 What are you (right now in Cosa sta preparando?
the process of) preparing? 
4:43 You can use 'sto + per' to say 'I'm just about to'. ✗
4:57 I'm just about to eat. Sto per mangiare. 
5:03 I'm just about to prepare it. Sto per prepararlo. 
OTRA VERSION DE AYUDA-------------------------

(3) 5.13
I am staying home tonight because I am tired sto a casa stasera perché sono stanco
to prepare preparare
I am preparing it lo preparo
why don't you prepare it for me? perché non lo prepara per me?
the dinner la cena
to dine, to have dinner cenare
will you have dinner with me tonight vuole cenare con me stasera
where do you want to have dinner tonight? dove vuole cenare stasera?
I cannot speak with you now because I am eating non posso parlare con Lei perché mangio
(to say "I am in the process of eating", you say sto mangiando, or sto -endo with verbs from the other track)
I am eating mangio
I am in the process of eating sto mangiando
what are you preparing? cosa prepara?
what are you in the process of preparing? cosa sta preparando?
(you can also use sto with per followed by any full verb, meaning "I am just about to...")
I am just about to eat, I am getting ready to eat sto per mangiare
I am just about to prepare it sto per prepararlo
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