
I Am Lyrics

I can fly higher than your airplanes do.
I can soar longer than on the eagle's wings.
I can make laughter that is louder than your shouts,
and I can make the mute man sing.
I can make this world stop turning
because your brother died.
I can take away the pain
and all the tears you've cried.
I can cut the darkness
with a pure and blinding light.
I can take the blind of heart
and give them perfect sight.

Through all these things I am the one
I am the Father's only Son,
and I am holding you up every single
second of the day,
I am the way.

I am the essence of simplicity.
I speak the truth and let my answer be my seal.
I stall the stones, I stop the souls from sinking down,
and I give you the power to heal.
To the brokenhearted
I give blessings from above.
To the ones who strike me
I hit back with only love.
I give you my pantry,
when it's empty take the shelf.
Treat the person next to you
as you would treat yourself.
Through all these things I am the one
I am the Father's only Son,
and everyone who follows me is
sheltered by a steadfast roof,
I am the truth.

I was there to watch the world awake.
I'll be watching when it closes its eyes again.
I'll be a party to the battle for your life,
and I hold back the army of sin.
Some call me the lion,
even more call me the lamb.
Some ask for my name,
some just call me I Am.
I take all your sorrow,
all your emptiness and pain,
I wash it away with the rain.
Through all these things I am the one
I am the Father's only Son,
and I have conquered death like a
warrior with a holy knife,
I am the Life.

So if you're wondering what you have
to do to follow me just listen to what I
say: I am the way, I am the truth,
and I am the life.
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Life's Been Good (1999)
Jesse A Rock to Lead the Way The Winds of Change Captain Kaern's Theme The Crossroad My Little Corner I Am Coming Of Age Life's Been Good