
Ananau Lyrics

Ananau, ananau
Ñuqallapiñam chay ña wiky.
Ananau, ananau
Wiñaypaqchum ñuqa qawasqaiky

May runallam kakuchkanky
Kaycunallapy waqanaypaq.
Wañuptyqa ñakawanky
Manam munanichu chay pasayta.

Oh what pain
Your ache is my ache
Your eyes are my eyes

Oh what pain
Your ache is my ache
You believe that I'm seeing you, because you believe
Who will believe you that I'm here
I am crying
If I die you will miss me,
but you don't want that is what happen

The language is Quechua.
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Native Indian's Music (2006)
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