
God's Gonna Separate the Wheat From the Tares Lyrics

God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Didn't He say?
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Let them do what will they may
'Til that great harvest day
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Oh, when that great morning comes
Didn't He say?
When that great morning comes
Didn't He say?
Let them do what will they may
'Til that great harvest day
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Oh, God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Let them do what will they may
'Til that great harvest day
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Just as sure as you're born to die
Didn't He say?
Just as sure as you're born to die
Didn't He say?
Let them do what will they may
'Til that great harvest day
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
My God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Didn't He say?
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
Let them do what will they may
'Til that great harvest day
God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares
Didn't He say?
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Oh, My Lord (2001)
God's Gonna Separate the Wheat From the Tares Oh, My Lord (I'm Goin' to) Wait Until My Changes Comes I Have a Friend Tired Since the Fire Started Burning in My Soul Jesus Is With Me Bless This House I Gave Up Everything to Follow Him Come to Jesus City Called Heaven I Bow on My Knees Hands of God It Is Not Secret Beautiful Tomorrow In the Upper Room He's My Light Run All the Way What Then Nobody Knows