
Counter-Clock World Lyrics

Counter-clock world
Counter-clock world
Counter-clock world
Watch the lights
that lead to this world
Where the cries of the ex-dead
He just hated these desperate calls
He heard them so many times
Inverse change
The course of time has reversed
The clocks now going backwards.
Most recent deads come back to life first
And the others will follow.
Counter-clock world

Like many others
Alan's woken up
For a new life in an insane world.
For the moment,
He's still a no-man
But he'll soon become grown-up.
Alan will wait for his parents' awakening
Cos he soon feels a giant ? coming.
He returns to his mother's womb
To find again original emptiness.
Counter-clock world
Counter-clock world
he's living in a counter-clock world
Counter-clock world
he's living in a counter-clock world
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