
We Three Twogether Lyrics

Will true love smile on you
Sometimes you never know.
And I myself was lonely
Not so very long ago.
Life was hard, times were bad,
Heart was broken, I was feeling sad.
My dreams had blown away like a feather.

Could not smile, could not sleep,
Nothing helped, not even counting sheep.
Heart filled with rain, no change in the weather.

My faithful friend, whose name is Phydeaux,
He could not chase away my blues.
Ah, but he tried, though.
Empty heart full of strife
Then one day love walked into my life
And all at once we stood there together

Held our breath for a baby boy,
Two months early little bundle of joy
And now we three are happy twogether.
Our dearest friend, old faithful Phydeaux
He could not come along to the baby ward
But he tried, though.

Love abides, life makes sense
Great big house with a little white picket fence.
And now we three are happy twogether
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