John Dowland Songtext

The John Dowland Collection
  1. Lachrimae Antiquae
  2. If My Complaints Could Passions Move
  3. Can She Excuse My Wrongs
  4. Come Away, Come Sweet Love
  5. My Lady Hunsdon's Allmande
  6. The Shoemaker's Wife: A Toy
  7. Lachrimae Antiquae Novae
  8. Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
  9. Come, Heavy Sleep
  10. Mr. Dowland's Midnight
  11. Sir John Smith, His Almain
  12. Semper Dowland semper dolens
  13. Lachrimae Gementes
  14. I Saw My Lady Weep
  15. Flow My Tears
  16. Fine Knacks for Ladies
  17. Shall I Sue
  18. Lachrimae Tristes
  19. Me, Me, and None but Me
  20. Forlorn Hope Fancy
  21. Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
  22. Lachrimae Coactae
  23. Go Nightly Cares
  24. The Right Honourable Ferdinando, Earl of Derby, His Galliard
  25. The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard
  26. Tell Me, True Love
  27. Lachrimae Amantis
  28. In Darkness Let Me Dwell
  29. A Fantasia
  30. My Lord Chamberlain His Galliard
  31. Far from triumphing court
  32. I Shame at Mine Unworthiness
  33. Lachrimae Verae
Honey From the Hive (Emma Kirkby & Anthony Rooley)
  1. Can Shee Excuse
  2. O Sweet Woods
  3. It Was a Time
  4. I Saw My Lady Weepe
  5. Flow My Teares
  6. Sorrow Stay
  7. Dye Not Beefore Thy Day
  8. Mourne, Mourne, Day Is With Darknesse
  9. Fine Knacks for Ladies
  10. Farewell Too Faire
  11. Time Stands Still
  12. Behold a Wonder Here
  13. Daphne Was Not So Chaste
  14. Me Me and None but Me
  15. When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love
  16. Say Love, If Ever Thou Did'st Find
  17. His Golden Locks
  18. Time's Eldest Sonne
  19. Farre From Triumphing Court
In Darkness Let Me Dwell
  1. Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
  2. In Darkness Let Me Dwell
  3. Lachrimae Verae
  4. From Silent Night
  5. Come Again
  6. The Lowest Trees Have Tops
  7. Flow My Tears
  8. Come Heavy Sleep
  9. Fine Knacks for Ladies
  10. Flow My Tears
  11. Now, O Now I Needs Must Part
  12. Lachrimae Tristes
  13. Go Crystal Tears
  14. Lachrimae Amantis
Consort Music and Songs (Rose Consort of Viols feat. mezzo-soprano: Catherine King, lute: Jacob Heringman)
  1. Mr. John Langton's Pavan
  2. Mistresse Nichols Almand
  3. The Earle of Essex Galiard
  4. A Shepherd in a Shade
  5. Lasso vita mia
  6. M. Buctons Galiard
  7. M. Henry Noel His Galiard
  8. M. Thomas Collier His Galliard
  9. Farewell (In Nomine)
  10. Semper Dowland Semper Dolens
  11. Sweet Stay Awhile
  12. Can She Excuse My Wrongs
  13. A Fancy
  14. M. Giles Hobies Galiard
  15. Captaine Digorie Piper His Galiard
  16. The King of Denmark's Galiard
  17. Burst Forth My Tears
  18. Dowland's Adieu for Master Oliver Cromwell
  19. M. Nicholas Gryffith His Galiard
  20. M. George Whitehead His Almand
  21. Sir John Souch His Galiard
  22. All Ye Whom Love or Fortune
  23. Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall
Ayres & Lute-Lessons (Deller Consort feat. conductor: Mark Deller)
  1. What If I Never Speed?
  2. Go Crystal Tears
  3. A Shepherd in a Shade
  4. My Thoughts Are Wing'd With Hopes
  5. Prélude et gaillarde
  6. Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares
  7. Tell Me True Love
  8. Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
  9. Come Again, Sweet Love
  10. If My Complaints Should Passions Move
  11. Sweet Stay Awhile
  12. When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love
  13. All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd
  14. Semper Dowland, semper dolens
  15. Come, Heavy Sleep
  16. Away With the Self-Loving Lads