Jig-Ai Songtext

Katana Orgy
  1. Wasabi Chicks
  2. 36 MMM
  3. Anaal Forsage
  4. Bonsai Bukake
  5. Katana Orgy
  6. Samurai Gay Party
  7. Stench of Prophet
  8. Bath in Razor Blades
  9. Shu-Lin
  10. Vlakin and Otyn Are In
  11. Liposuction by Machete
  12. Genital Grinder
  13. Regurgitation of Giblets
  1. Japanese Gut Cake
  2. Sounds of Body Sinuses
  3. HN-Islam
  4. Adventure On the Boat
  5. Injectator Kruto
  6. Fresh Manga Flesh
  7. Vogelgrippe-N
  8. Pec Nam Spadla vs. Skakal Pes
  9. Phimosiectomy Made by Scrub-Slasher
  10. Suffocated Between Gigantic Udders
  11. Sadomasochistic Practices Manual
  12. Hanger In Her Neck
  13. Gourmet's Specialities of Necrozoophilia
  14. La Ley de Plomo
  15. Final Cu(n)t