
s***e Lyrics

s***e, to each person room
everybody defines s***e in their own way
mostly by using barricades
the different uses people make of s***e is up to the individual
some people like to relax, while others like s***e to work in
and others like to dream
in the feudal times people used to enclose s***e, and have
their own plots of land
s***e is what we need
room to breathe
call your own

Surely there must be enough s***e for everyone to control
within their own boundaries, to manipulate, to find
activities that can take place
everybody needs s***e, you need the room to relax
when you're tired, when you come home
even just to place a few belongings
you can share this s***e with other people
and it also acts as a resting place
s***e is what we need
room to breathe
call your own

And they laugh, especially when I start talking about
furnishing the s***e
but a lot of people like to furnish
the s***e in different ways
some people like the luxury afforded by carpets
myself I like the occasional vase of
flowers, and maybe a television to watch, especially when there's a tom mix movie on - yipee-ay-o-ty-ay...
s***e is what we need
room to breathe
call your own

Birth was created in a s***e
and a s***e is vacant after a death
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Life's Hard and Then You Die (1986)
Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune) Happy Talk Rope The Better Idea s***e The Sweet Life Festival Time Ed's Funky Diner Hang on Sleepy Town Lullaby Washing the Air Ed's Funky Diner (The Keinholz Caper) Driving Away From Home (I Mean After All Its Only 'Dead Man's Curve')