
Perineum Battlefield Lyrics

Three, two, one and go!

f***** up c*** into the shreds
My dreamy fairytale
We're guerillas, no b***** dancers
Take a cover in your mind
You can't resist
How to destroy G spot find!
c***-OR-THE-FIST ... Now!
t*** gutter overflows, your defense is dissipated
v**** enraged, c*** blocker masticated
Foreskin grenade blows, p**** lips as barricades
p**** shot's f****** fine, in o***** frontline fades... Yes!
Perineum... Battlefield / f***
Perineum battlefield... f***

Dissipate, masticate, combat s***, ready to charge and f***
Dissipate, masticate, combat s***, ready to attack

Razor sharp c**** made of steel
Shreds of p**** flesh
Lethal dose of p***** you took
This s** war ain't of love
c**quest the Paradise
Love tunnel is full of s****
f***** up c*** into the shreds
A gorgeous hairytale
We're a**assins and f***** dancers
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Shibari Kata and Other Practices (2005)
s****ivore Jizmasterpiss b***suck Hermaphrodite Anal Express c***blaster p**** Off-Road h*** Erected s*** Paintress Bukakke Bitchbombers Perineum Battlefield Blow Job Time, Part 2 Cummageddon Final Cuntdown