
A Million Moons Lyrics

Far beyond the mist
I chase the spirit
Of times forgotten
Follow me... Into the night
Walk the path of mystery

Years of oppression,
Didn't make me weak willed
I will stand
Firm in my beliefs

Follow me... and we will reign
Pass the gate to immortality
Obsessed... by the absolute truth
I remigrate into the night
Guided by a million moons

Guided by a million moons
Far beyond the mist
I chase the spirit
Of times forgotten

Follow me... Into the night
Walk the path of mystery

Obsessed... by the absolute truth
I remigrate into the night
Guided by a million moons
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Procella vadens (2010)
Die Hoffnung stirbt... Lacrimae mundi A Million Moons Ego universalis À la nuit tombante An Autumn Serenade Ocean, Mountains Mirror The Descent Into Hades Procella vadens ...wenn der Sturm beginnt