
Energy Lyrics

Energy is the ability to work or to cause change. It's not real hard to make it when you're not alone. You say I make no difference in this dying corrupt world. f*** your attitude I won't give in 'cause it aint worth being dead. All we know and all we've said. It wasn't for nothing. It meant something. Do you care? Do you want to help? Do you want to change things right now? We're not alone but we're separated from people that don't give. Would you rather be so ignorant that you didn't care? I don't know man no one's right but who will you stand for? Would you rather commit suicide 'cause that's where you're headed!
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Up Your Ass (2002)
Vivisick Think All Grown Up I'm Not Gonna Stop Bushanomics Walls Of s*** Energy Please Come In A f***** Up Beautiful Day Problem Violent f** But If You Weren't Here Could've Been Blood Cutter Grimple Up Your Ass One More Rabid Punks Get A Grip Guess Who Be All You Can Be Fantasy Suicide Song