
King One Lyrics

Time is nigh and so am I my dears
I thrive on your cries, they do mean something
I'm burden to strife, I'm the face of all your fears
I am the One
It all ends now, I just want to make it clear
I'm what you wanted, I'm in your heart and mind
I've come alive through centuries of tears
Yeah, I am the One
I pave the way as I lead astray and keep walking
So let's head on down now
I'm easy as a Sunday breeze quite busy stalking
Here the sun comes down, lighting up the way down
Hallelujah, behold the One
The Only One
I pave the way to sulphur ground
Behold the One lighting up the way down
The chosen One

Guiding you down now, behold the One
The prodigal son
King One
The One
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