
I Was Never Here Lyrics

I am the one you see
As breath upon your window
I am the voice you hear
Crows on the wire
Crows on the wire
I'm watching you
And I'm on fire
The faith is gone and love
Is gone with your disease
Dead black cherry trees
Can whisper of their sweetness

If you never come to see us
Sink into your soul
Please don't wake me up
From dreamless sleep

I was never here
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Missa Atropos (2010)
Mass for Atropos, Part 1 Defense Mechanism I Was Never Here Snail River Mass for Atropos, Part 2: You're Going to Die Up There Missa Atropos She's Awake Vera Will to Live Mass for Atropos, Part 3 Splendid Isolation An Audience