
When All the Things... I Sell Again Lyrics

Don't wanna live in that room
When I think about today
I know our lives will be fast
And have a lot of ways to prove
I see a brunch of fun in your room
Like something special waiting for you
And thinking about this game
Every fear and every place
All words always sound the same
In my ear and makes me insane
Don't wanna prove me inside
All the things sound the same
Everything inside
Everything in my mind
What I have to sell again
And living the years
Thinking about the tears
Of a past that's far away
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Relax in Your Favorite Chair (1995)
Lead a Pointless Life Friends in a Ship When All the Things... I Sell Again Wishing a Solution It's Funny Three Chair's Nation For Our Sake Explain Morgan, Great Friend Song for Walk Self-Realized People? 2 A.M. Stories / Shortsight / Dishes / Mouth