Fear Before the March of Flames Songtext
The Always Open Mouth
Absolute Future
Drowning the Old Hag
Taking Cassandra to the End of the World Party
Ten Seconds in Los Angeles
The Waiting Makes Me Curious
High as a Horse
Dog Sized Bird
Complete and Utter Confusion...
...As a Result of Signals Being Crossed
A Brief Tutorial in Bacchanalia
A Gift for Fiction
Absolute Past
Art Damage
Hey Kid. I'm a Computer. Stop All the Downloading
Should Have Stayed in the Shallows
Consequences David, You'll Meet Your Fate in the Styx
Whiskey Is Alright in Its Place, But Its Place Is in Hell
The Story of the Curious Oysters
Absolutely Fabulous and Me
The Long Road to the Middle
The State of Texas vs. Fear Before
Law of Averages
A Tyrant Meets His Maker
The God Awful Truth
Odd How People Shake
Fashion Tips Baby
Go Wash Your Mouth...I Don't Know Where It's Been
Given to Dreams
Girl's Got a Face Like Murder
The Lisbon Girls, Oh the Lisbon Girls
The 20th Century Was Entirely Mine
Sarah Goldfarb, Where Are Your Manners
On the Brightside, She Could Choke
What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas
Absolute Future, Absolute Past (original demo)
A Shoreline Perspective
Given to Dreams of What Shall Never
Should Have Stayed in the Shallows (original demo)
...As a Result of Signals Being Crossed
Absolute Past
Dog Sized Bird
Drowning the Old Hag
Fashion Tips Baby
Girl's Got a Face Like Murder
Given to Dreams
Go Wash Your Mouth...I Don't Know Where It's Been
Hey Kid. I'm a Computer. Stop All the Downloading
High as a Horse
On the Brightside, She Could Choke
Sarah Goldfarb, Where Are Your Manners
Should Have Stayed in the Shallows
Taking Cassandra to the End of the World Party
Ten Seconds in Los Angeles
The 20th Century Was Entirely Mine
The Waiting Makes Me Curious
What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas
Whiskey Is Alright in Its Place, But Its Place Is in Hell