
The s*** Still Stinks Lyrics

Morality conditioned into us from birth
Hungry for life they fed us death
They replace innocence with fear and guilt
And on our acceptance their dominance is built
The morals you gave, digs another grave
Normality, convention, words to enslave
Young minds trained, free hearts chained
On top of the deadpile the flag flies torn and stained

With the blood of centuries of others moralities
They talk of morality then let millions die
In poverty, the knowledge between right and wrong
They talk of peace then build a bomb
I want to know what the f**** going on
Their lies are easy to follow
Their banner easy to follow
Yet millions lay slaughtered
And millions more are tortured
And the s*** still stinks
The s*** still stinks
The s*** still stinks
The s*** still stinks
We swallow, we follow
Knowledge between right and wrong
Whose wrong, whose right
Eyes that are open but lacking sight
Young minds trained free hearts chained
On top of the deadpile the flag flies torn and stained
They talk of morality then let millions die
In poverty, the knowledge between right and wrong
They talk of peace then build a bomb
I want to know what the f**** going on
Their lies are easy to follow
Their banner easy to follow
Yet millions lay slaughtered
And millions more are tortured
And the s*** still stinks
The s*** still stinks
The s*** still stinks
The s*** still stinks
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While Backs Are Turned... (1985)
The Voiceless Now Have a Voice, Part 1 Slaughterhouse They Kill Dogs The Voiceless Now Have a Voice, Part 2 Christian Militia I Have No Gun (But I Can Spit) The s*** Still Stinks