Christopher O'Riley Songtext

Hold Me to This: Christopher O'Riley Plays Radiohead
  1. There There
  2. (Nice Dream)
  3. No Surprises
  4. Polyethylene, Part II
  5. How I Made My Millions
  6. Like Spinning Plates
  7. Sail to the Moon
  8. The Tourist
  9. Cuttooth
  10. 2 + 2 = 5
  11. Talk Show Host
  12. Gagging Order
  13. Paranoid Android
  14. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
True Love Waits: Christopher O'Riley Plays Radiohead
  1. Everything in Its Right Place
  2. Knives Out
  3. Black Star
  4. Karma Police
  5. Let Down
  6. Airbag
  7. Subterranean Homesick Alien
  8. Thinking About You
  9. Exit Music (For a Film)
  10. You
  11. Bulletproof
  12. Fake Plastic Trees
  13. I Can't
  14. True Love Waits
  15. Motion Picture Soundtrack