
I Want Action Lyrics

If you're mother and your father
Could only see you now
Under neath the lights child
Out they're in the crowd
I am just a poor boy
Traveled far from home
Crawling through the night clubs
Doing it alone
I want action; I want action, right now
All the kids are singing
Some kind of broken hymn
Sounds just like a freight train
Through a wall of sin
The shadow of the city
Seems to follow me
The master he goes tell me
That I can't go free
I want action; I want action, right now
Think I'm leaving
I need action
No more dreaming
I want action now
I want action; I want action, right now
Words and music C.Field
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Powis Square (2004)
Oh Yeah Alright You Take Me Up Stars in Your Eyes I Wanna Love You Make It Tonight Only the Rich Survive Inner City Breakdown Let Your Love Shine Slave Going Down Again Easy Ride I Want Action
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