Cedarmont Kids Songtext

100 Singalong Bible Songs for Kids
  1. Jesus Loves Me
  2. Onward, Christian Soldiers
  3. Standin' in the Need of Prayer
  4. Dry Bones
  5. Ezekiel Saw the Wheel
  6. God Made Me
  7. God Said It
  8. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
  9. Rise and Shine (Arky, Arky)
  10. Alive, Alive
  11. Rocka My Soul
  12. Hush!
  13. Jesus Loves Even Me
  14. Zacchaeus
  15. Whisper a Prayer
  16. I Want to Be Ready
  17. This Is My Commandment
  18. Father Abraham
  19. Hinges
  20. Dare to Be a Daniel
  21. I'm in the Lord's Army
  22. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  23. Down by the Riverside
  24. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
  25. Jacob's Ladder
  26. Lord I Want to Be a Christian
  27. Everybody Ought to Know
  28. His Banner Over Me Is Love
  29. Old Time Religion
  30. I'm Gonna Work
  31. Peter, James, and John in a Sailboat
  32. Jesus Bids Us Shine
  33. The Happy Day Express
  34. I Shall Not Be Moved
  35. O Be Careful Little Eyes
  36. Who Built the Ark?
  37. Jesus Loves the Little Children
  38. Deep and Wide
  39. Somebody's Knocking at Your Door
  40. My God Is So Big
  41. Happy All the Time
  42. Go Tell It on the Mountain
  43. Wade in the Water
  44. Jesus Loves the Little Ones
  45. Do, Lord, Remember Me
  46. Every Promise in the Book Is Mine
  47. I'm Gonna Sing
  48. Isn't He Wonderful
  49. Were You There?
  50. Exercise Hymn
  51. I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Forever
  52. One Door, and Only One
  53. I've Got Peace Like a River
  54. The B-I-B-L-E
  55. The Birdies in the Treetop
  56. Silver and Gold Have I None
  57. Behold, Behold
  58. Oh, How I Love Jesus
  59. Get on Board
  60. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  61. If You're Happy
  62. What a Mighty God We Serve
  63. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
  64. This Little Light of Mine
  65. Down in My Heart
  66. I Got Shoes
  67. Children, Jesus Loves You
  68. Twelve Disciples
  69. I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
  70. Who Did (Swallow Jonah)
  71. Give Me Oil in My Lamp
  72. Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain
  73. Do Lord
  74. Wide, Wide as the Ocean
  75. Oh, You Can't Get to Heaven
  76. Little David (Play on Your Harp)
  77. Father, We Thank Thee
  78. Everybody Ought to Love Jesus
  79. Joy to the World
  80. The First Noel
  81. The Friendly Beasts
  82. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
  83. Silent Night! Holy Night!
  84. I Saw Three Ships
  85. We Three Kings
  86. Angels We Have Heard on High
  87. What Child Is This?
  88. O Little Town of Bethlehem
  89. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
  90. Children, Go Where I Send Thee
  91. O Come, All Ye Faithful
  92. Good Christian Men, Rejoice
  93. The Holly and the Ivy
  94. How Great Our Joy!
  95. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
  96. The Virgin May Had a Baby Boy
  97. Away in a Manger
  98. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
  99. There's a Song in the Air
  100. O Come, Little Children
100 Sing Along Songs for Kids Vol.1
  1. The Wheels On The Bus
  2. Do Your Ears Hang Low?
  3. Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho
  4. The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  5. The Alphabet Song (The ABC Song)
  6. Polly Put The Kettle On
  7. Rocka My Soul
  8. The Eensy Weensy Spider
  9. Dry Bones
  10. The More We Get Together
  11. Polly Wolly Doodle
  12. If You're Happy And You Know It
  13. Who Did Swallow Jonah?
  14. Six Little Ducks
  15. Fingers, Nose and Toes
  16. Baa Baa Black Sheep
  17. Michael Finnigan
  18. The Bear Went Over The Mountain
  19. Roll Over
  20. Smile
  21. Jack and Jill
  22. Who Built the Ark?
  23. Bingo
  24. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
  25. Get On Board
  26. This Old Man
  27. Mary Had A Little Lamb
  28. Deep and Wide
  29. Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush
  30. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
  31. Old McDonald Had A Farm
  32. Looby Loo
  33. There's A Hole In The Bucket
Toddler Action Songs
  1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
  2. The Ants Go Marching
  3. God Said It
  4. Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?
  5. When the Saints Go Marching In
  6. Little Cabin in the Wood
  7. I've Been Working on the Railroad
  8. Hush!
  9. Two Little Blackbirds
  10. Over in the Meadow
  11. Hinges
  12. John Brown's Baby
  13. Bill Gorgan's Goat
  14. I'm Gonna Work
  15. Little Wheel A-Turning in My Heart
  16. Somebody's Knockin' at Your Door
  17. Mules
  18. Exercise Hymn
  19. Clap Your Hands
  20. I'm Gonna Sing
  21. What a Mighty God We Serve
  22. I Love the Mountains
  23. Wide, Wide as the Ocean
  24. Sp-1
  25. Sp-2
  26. Sp-3
  27. Sp-4
  28. Sp-5
  29. Sp-6
  30. Sp-7
  31. Sp-8
  32. Sp-9
  33. Sp-10
  34. Sp-11
  35. Sp-12
  36. Sp-13
  37. Sp-14
  38. Sp-15
  39. Sp-16
  40. Sp-17
  41. Sp-18
  42. Sp-19
  43. Sp-20
  44. Sp-21
  45. Sp-22
  46. Sp-23
  47. Sp-25
Toddler Tunes
  1. The Wheels on the Bus
  2. The Alphabet Song
  3. Polly, Put the Kettle On
  4. God Made Me
  5. Eensy, Weensy Spider
  6. Deep and Wide
  7. The More We Get Together
  8. Six Little Ducks
  9. Mulberry Bush
  10. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
  11. Roll Over
  12. Old Macdonald
  13. Father, We Thank Thee
  14. Are You Sleeping?
  15. Jack and Jill
  16. Oh, Where, Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
  17. Get on Board
  18. Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be?
  19. Pop! Goes the Weasel!
  20. This Old Man
  21. London Bridge
  22. Mary Had a Little Lamb
  23. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  24. Be Kind to Your Web-footed Friends
  25. The Wheels on the Bus (Split-track)
  26. The Alphabet Song (Split-track)
  27. Polly, Put the Kettle On (Split-track)
  28. God Made Me (Split-track)
  29. Eensy, Weensy Spider (Split-track)
  30. Deep and Wide (Split-track)
  31. The More We Get Together (Split-track)
  32. Six Little Ducks (Split-track)
  33. Mulberry Bush (Split-track)
  34. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (Split-track)
  35. Roll Over (Split-track)
  36. Old Macdonald (Split-track)
  37. Father, We Thank Thee (Split-track)
  38. Are You Sleeping? (Split-track)
  39. Jack and Jill (Split-track)
  40. Oh, Where, Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone? (Split-track)
  41. Get on Board (Split-track)
  42. Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be? (Split-track)
  43. Pop! Goes the Weasel! (Split-track)
  44. This Old Man (Split-track)
  45. London Bridge (Split-track)
  46. Mary Had a Little Lamb (Split-track)
  47. Row, Row, Row Your Boat (Split-track)
  48. Be Kind to Your Web-footed Friends (Split-track)
Bible Songs
  1. Little David (Play on Your Harp)
  2. This Is My Commandment
  3. Jesus Loves Me
  4. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jerhico
  5. Jesus Loves Even Me
  6. Dare to Be a Daniel
  7. Everybody Ought to Know
  8. Peter, James and John in a Sailboat
  9. My God Is So Big
  10. Every Promise in the Book Is Mine
  11. I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Forever
  12. The B-I-B-L-E
  13. Silver and Gold Have I None
  14. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  15. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
  16. Give Me Oil in My Lamp
  17. Little David (Play on Your Harp)
  18. This Is My Commandment
  19. Jesus Loves Me
  20. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jerhico
  21. Jesus Loves Even Me
  22. Dare to Be a Daniel
  23. Everybody Ought to Know
  24. Peter, James and John in a Sailboat
  25. My God Is So Big
  26. Every Promise in the Book Is Mine
  27. I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Forever
  28. The B-I-B-L-E
  29. Silver and Gold Have I None
  30. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  31. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
  32. Give Me Oil in My Lamp
Sunday School Songs
  1. I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
  2. Standin' In the Need of Prayer
  3. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
  4. Alive, Alive
  5. Jesus Loves the Little Children
  6. Whisper a Prayer
  7. Jacob's Ladder
  8. Old Time Religion
  9. Go Tell It on the Mountain
  10. I've Got Peace Like a River
  11. Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
  12. Oh, How I Love Jesus
  13. Down in My Heart
  14. Tweleve Disciples
  15. Do Lord
  16. I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N (Split-Track)
  17. Standin' In the Need of Prayer (Split-Track)
  18. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (Split-Track)
  19. Alive, Alive (Split-Track)
  20. Jesus Loves the Little Children (Split-Track)
  21. Whisper a Prayer (Split-Track)
  22. Jacob's Ladder (Split-Track)
  23. Old Time Religion (Split-Track)
  24. Go Tell It on the Mountain (Split-Track)
  25. I've Got Peace Like a River (Split-Track)
  26. Michael, Row the Boat Ashore (Split-Track)
  27. Oh, How I Love Jesus (Split-Track)
  28. Down in My Heart (Split-Track)
  29. Let the Sunshine In (Split-Track)
  30. Do Lord (Split-Track)