
How I Want to Die Lyrics

There's a boy who's crying in sheer dread
I want to save him
from the gun that's pointed 'gainst his head
I want to save him
There's a girl who's shivering in the cold
I want to save her
from the knife pressed hard against her throat
I want to save her

I'll take a bullet from a gun
a knife wound in my chest
that's how I want to die
just like a catcher in the rye

Bullet from a gun
knife wound in my chest
that's how I want to die
just like a catcher in the rye
Don't want to wither away
feeling my body in decay
when my time comes
let me go protecting god's little ones
let me go quickly in glory and grace

There are kids who suffer everywhere
I want to save them
from the wounds that they can hardly bear
I want to save them
There's a boy who's crying in his sleep
I want to save them
from the angry man he could have been
I want to save them

I'll take a bullet from a gun
a knife wound in my chest
that's how I want to die
just like a catcher in the rye

Bullet from a gun
knife wound in my chest
that's how I want to die
just like a catcher in the rye
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How I Want to Die: The Catman Chronicles 1 (2005)
How I Want to Die The Crime of Being Me Wishin' on a Star We Spoke of God Father, You Believed Sunset in Las Vegas The Mentor What Really Matters Prayer for America Family of One Can't Get You Out of My Head Where Are My Soldiers? Vancouver Baby, Am I Too Late? Fluffle-O
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