
Waitin Lyrics

I'm waitin' every day
I'm waitin' every night
Everytime i wait
Every way it's wright
I'm waitin' in the rain
I'm waitin' in the storm
Anyway i can
Anytime i want
I'm waitin'for the ....(?)

I'm waitin'for someone
I'm waitin'for something
Doesn't see more wrong
Doesn't see more wrong

Swallowing on my feet
Swalloing on my ....(?)
Anyway i hope
Standing on my slope
And i never see
The long and distant screen
Should i stop and wait
Should i stop and wait
Waitin' for your love
I'm waitin'for someone
I'm waitin'for something
Doesn't see more wrong
Doesn't see more wrong

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The Human Octopus (2011)
Into the Wild Walker (album edit) Waitin Meaning ByeBye Glam The End Memories Your Shadow Highway 01 Meaning (Choral version)