
That Man (Palov feat. A. Angelidis Remix) Lyrics

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Lyrics Caro Emerald Biography Caro Emerald List Caro Emerald
Artist: Caro Emerald
Album: Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor (2010)
Song: That Man
Country: The Netherlands
Hits: 24502
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That Man lyrics

I'm in a little bit of trouble
And I'm in real deep
From the beginning to the end
He was no more than a friend to me

The thought is makin' me hazy
I think I better sit down
Cause like the sweetest serenade
Bet he knows he's got it made with me

Twisting round on a carousel
This speeds' too much to stop
One second I'm thinkin' I'm feeling the l***
And then I feel a lot

That man is like a flame
And ooh that man plays me like a game
My only sin is I can't win
Ooh I wanna love that man
Ooh that man is on my list
And ooh that man I wanna kiss
My only sin is I can't win
Ooh I wanna love that man

Now it's like I'm on a mission
Headed everywhere
And if it takes a little long
And it feels a little wrong who cares?

My baby fits the description
And does it easily
A little Gable, some Astaire
When he dances I can hardly breathe

Someone call a doctor
Need some help to rescue me
One second I'm thinkin' I must be lost
And he keeps on findin' me
That man is like a flame
And ooh that man plays me like a game
My only sin is I can't win
Ooh I wanna love that man
Ooh that man is on my list
And ooh that man I wanna kiss
My only sin is I can't win
Ooh I wanna love that man

Ooh, I'm gonna find that man
You bet ya, I'm gonna find that man
Ooh, I'm gonna find that man
I'm gonna find that, I'm gonna find that man
Thanks to Wolf for the lyrics to That Man!

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That Man by Caro Emerald

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