
Hi Rim Bo Lyrics

Hi ri am bo hill o ro ho
Hi ri am bo hi ri ri u
Hi ri am bo hill o ro ho
Tha sgeul ur air tighinn don bhaile
Cha sgeul ur a th' ann ach naidheachd
Tha sgeul ur air tighinn don bhaile
Cha sgeul ur a th' ann ach naidheachd
Cha sgeul ur a th' ann ach naidheachd
Gun do reitich mo chiad leannan
Gun do reitich mo chiad leannan
'S og a fhuair mi fhin do ghealladh
'S og a fhuair mi fhin do ghealladh
Sine bhan nam blath-shuil mealladh
Sine bhan nam blath-shuil mealladh
Sine og an or-fhuilt chlannaich
'S gil' do mheadhan na sgiath na h-eala
'S guirm' do shuil na driuchd na maidne
'S guirm' do shuil na driuchd na maidne
'S deirg' do ghruaidh na caor air meangan
'S deirg' do ghruaidh na caor air meangan
Tha do dheud na dluth-gheal daingeann
Chorus (after each verse):
Hi ri am bo hill o ro ho
Hi ri am bo hi ri ri u
Hi ri am bo hill o ro ho
A new tale has come to the township
Not a new tale but a rumor
A new tale has come to the township
Not a new tale but a rumor
Not a new tale but a rumor
That my first love has celebrated her wedding feast
That my first love has celebrated her wedding feast
You plighted your troth to me when young
You plighted your troth to me when young
Fair Jean of the warm, bewitching eyes
Fair Jean of the warm, bewitching eyes
Young Jean with the many golden ringlets
Your waist is whiter than the wing of the swan
Greener your eye than morning dew on grass
Greener your eye than morning dew on grass
More red your cheek than the rowan berry on branch
More red your cheek than the rowan berry on branch
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