Brewer & Shipley Songtext

Shake Off the Demons
  1. Shake Off the Demon
  2. Merciful Love
  3. Message from the Mission (Hold On)
  4. One by One
  5. When Everybody Comes Home
  6. Working On the Well
  7. Rock Me On the Water
  8. Natural Child
  9. Back to the Farm
  10. Sweet Love
  1. Lady Like You
  2. Rise Up (Easy Rider)
  3. Boomerang
  4. Indian Summer
  5. All Along the Watchtower
  6. People Love Each Other
  7. Pig's Head
  8. Oh, Sweet Lady
  9. Too Soon Tomorrow
  10. Whitchi-Tai-To
Down In L.A.
  1. Truly Right
  2. She Thinks She's a Woman
  3. Time & Changes
  4. Small Town Girl
  5. I Can't See Her
  6. Green Bamboo
  7. Incredible State
  8. Keeper of the Keys
  9. Love, Love
  10. Dreamin' in the Shade
  11. Mass for M' Lady