Bobby Horton Songtext
Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 5
Ye Cavaliers of Dixie
The Soldier's Farewell
The Cross of the South
Old Abe's Lament
The North Carolina War Song
The Cavalier's Glee
The Bowld Sojer Boy
Do They Miss Me at Home?
The Kentucky Battle Song
The Infantry
John Harrolson
The Soldiers' Suit of Gray
The South Shall Rise Up Free
General Butler
The Mother of the Soldier Boy
General Forrest, a Confederate
Hood's Old Brigade
The Conquered Banner
All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight
Battle Cry of Freedom
Everybody's Dixie
Long Ago
Maryland My Maryland
New York Volunteer
Oh, I'm a Good Old Rebel
Rose of Alabama
Stonewall Jackson's Way
The Bonnie Blue Flag
The Captain and His Whiskers
The Rebel Soldier
The Yellow Rose of Texas
We Are Coming Father Abraham
Wearing of the Gray
We'll Fight for Uncle Abe
All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight
Battle Cry of Freedom
Everybody's Dixie
Long Ago
Maryland My Maryland
New York Volunteer
Oh, I'm a Good Old Rebel
Rose of Alabama
Stonewall Jackson's Way
The Bonnie Blue Flag
The Captain and His Whiskers
The Kentucky Battle Song
The Rebel Soldier
The Yellow Rose of Texas
We Are Coming Father Abraham
We'll Fight for Uncle Abe
Wearing of the Gray