Blood Red Eagle Songtext

  1. Into Memory
  2. Jormungand
  3. Nations of the Forgotten
  4. As the Winds Change Direction
  5. The Age of Discontent
  6. Traitor
  7. Eureka Song
  8. Tying the Noose
  9. To Update the Bible With the Times
  10. Songs of Wolves
  11. As the Hammer Falls
  12. Boots and Braces
  13. The Viking Drinking Song
  14. Eye of the Storm
Return to Asgard
  1. Eye of the Storm
  2. The Gate
  3. Resturn to Asgard
  4. As the Hammer Falls
  5. Blood Red Eagle
  6. Protest
  7. Warrior
  8. Viking Power Rock and Roll
  9. Solidarity
  10. Rebel Flag
  11. Wotans Wolk