Bitch Alert Songtext

I Can Feel Your Bones
  1. Skeleton
  2. 14 Hours
  3. All Wrong
  4. Desert
  5. If You Were Mine
  6. Libertine
  7. Totally Out There
  8. Please Let Me Die First
  9. Would You Be My Mental Big Sister, June?
  10. Last Check
  11. Tempe Khoi
  12. Secondhand Moviestar
  13. Outro
Pay for o*****
  1. Monday
  2. Birthday
  3. Loveson
  4. Kiss Me
  5. Daniel
  6. God Doesn't Like Me
  7. Sick Boy
  8. In the School
  9. Joe Has Been a Bad Boy
  10. Enterprise
  11. Kill You Boy
  12. Psychosis