Bill & Gloria Gaither and their Homecoming Friends Songtext

Gaither Gospel Series: Homecoming Hymns
  1. Bless His Holy Name
  2. Does Jesus Care?
  3. God Leads Us Along
  4. He Hideth My Soul
  5. Hold to God's Unchanging Hand
  6. I Will Glory in the Cross
  7. Is This Not the Land of Beulah
  8. Jewels (When He Cometh)
  9. Just a Closer Walk With Thee
  10. Lead Me Gently Home, Father
  11. Oh, How Much He Cares for Me
  12. On Jordan's Stormy Banks
  13. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
  14. Sheltered in the Arms of God
  15. Gentle Shepherd
  16. Holy Ground
  17. Peace in the Valley
  18. Only a Look