Bigott Songtext

Pavement Tree
  1. Pavement Tree
  2. Baby Lemonade
  3. Even If You Don't Know Why
  4. Echo Valium
  5. First Local Recording
  6. It's OK
  7. Electrolane
  8. Walking Around
  9. Gypsy Loop
  10. We Make Sense
  11. We'll Dance
  12. Have You Ever Seen
  13. Paper Kane
  14. Play
The Orinal Soundtrack
  1. Vaporcito
  2. Cannibal Dinner
  3. God Is Gay
  4. Flying Zirkus
  5. Turkey Moon
  6. Le Petit Martien
  7. Endlessly
  8. Bar Bacharach
  9. Trees Gone Motion
  10. Princes Naseem Hamed
This Is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
  1. Dead Mum Walking
  2. Cool Single Wedding
  3. Sparkle Motion
  4. Pachanga
  5. Horses Back
  6. Not Drunk Today
  7. Honolulu
  8. The Jingle
  9. My My Love
  10. Tommy, Can You Hear Me
  1. Afrodita Carambolo
  2. She Is My Man
  3. Kinky Merengue
  4. New York s'éveille
  5. Trois je t'aime
  6. Algora Campeon
  7. Walk the Ufo
  8. The Party
  9. Oh Clarin