Anaal Nathrakh Songtext

The Whole of the Law
  1. The Nameless Dread
  2. Depravity Favours the Bold
  3. Hold Your Children Close and Pray for Oblivion
  4. ...So We Can Die Happy
  5. In Flagrante Delicto
  6. And You Will Beg for Our Secrets
  7. Extravaganza!
  8. On Being a Slave
  9. The Great Spectator
  10. Of Horror, and the Black Shawls
  1. Acheronta Movebimus
  2. Unleash
  3. Monstrum in Animo
  4. The One Thing Needful
  5. A Firm Foundation of Unyielding Despair
  6. Desideratum
  7. Idol
  8. Sub Specie Aeterni (Of Maggots, and Humanity)
  9. The Joystream
  10. Rage and Red
  11. Ita Mori
  1. The Blood-Dimmed Tide
  2. Forging Towards the Sunset
  3. To Spite the Face
  4. Todos Somos Humanos
  5. In Coelo Quies, Tout Finis Ici Bas
  6. Make Glorious the Embrace of Saturn
  7. Feeding the Beast
  8. A Metaphor for the Dead
  1. Volenti non fit iniuria
  2. Post Traumatic Stress Euphoria
  3. Le Diabolique est l'ami du simplement mal
  4. Tod Huetet Uebel
  5. Paragon Pariah
  6. Who Thinks of the Executioner?
  7. Ashes Screaming Silence
  8. Portrait of the Artist
Domine non es dignus
  1. I Wish I Could Vomit Blood on You... ...People
  2. The Oblivion Gene
  3. Do Not Speak
  4. Procreation of the Wretched
  5. To Err Is Human, to Dream - Futile
  6. Revaluation of All Values (Tractatus alogico misanthropicus)
  7. The Final Destruction of Dignity (Die letzten Tage der Menschheit)
  8. Swallow the World
  9. This Cannot Be the End
  10. Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light
The Codex Necro
  1. The Supreme Necrotic Audnance
  2. When Humanity Is Cancer
  3. Submission Is for the Weak
  4. Pandemonic Hyperblast
  5. Paradigm Shift - Annihilation
  6. The Technogoat
  7. Incipid Flock
  8. The Codex Necro