ja umeju malatit', omeju vimolatchivat'
umeju shariki krutit', karmani vivoratjivat'
oi limonchiki, vi moi limonchiki
gde rastjoti vi n mojom sadov
oi limonchiki, vi moi limonchiki
vi rastjote v soni na balkonchike
na bazare sjum i gam, slishno razgovorchiki
kto-to sjopnul chemodan i unjos limonchiki
na kostetskoi benja zjil,
benja maij svayu ljubil
jesli jest'u beni matj
znachit, jest kouda poslatg
ja u tjoti nocheval, u tjoti bili gosti
ja u tjoti paprasil, ona skazala "posle"
ingilizce çevirisi ise şöyle
i'm so smart and i have a good pair of hands
i can empty your pockets out
before you bat an eye
oi, limonchiki (millions of bucks)
where do you grow, in which orchard
oi limonchiki, you grow on sonya's balcony
there's riot at the market
and there are rumours:
someone has picked the whole suitcase
filled with "limonchiki"
benny was born in the heart
of moldavanka, and with the
name like this, he's always taken
for a "shmuck" (idiot)
my auntie had a party, with
many guests. when i asked if
she would take me to bed she answered
when the guests are all gone
umeju shariki krutit', karmani vivoratjivat'
oi limonchiki, vi moi limonchiki
gde rastjoti vi n mojom sadov
oi limonchiki, vi moi limonchiki
vi rastjote v soni na balkonchike
na bazare sjum i gam, slishno razgovorchiki
kto-to sjopnul chemodan i unjos limonchiki
na kostetskoi benja zjil,
benja maij svayu ljubil
jesli jest'u beni matj
znachit, jest kouda poslatg
ja u tjoti nocheval, u tjoti bili gosti
ja u tjoti paprasil, ona skazala "posle"
ingilizce çevirisi ise şöyle
i'm so smart and i have a good pair of hands
i can empty your pockets out
before you bat an eye
oi, limonchiki (millions of bucks)
where do you grow, in which orchard
oi limonchiki, you grow on sonya's balcony
there's riot at the market
and there are rumours:
someone has picked the whole suitcase
filled with "limonchiki"
benny was born in the heart
of moldavanka, and with the
name like this, he's always taken
for a "shmuck" (idiot)
my auntie had a party, with
many guests. when i asked if
she would take me to bed she answered
when the guests are all gone