AM & Shawn Lee Songtext

La Musique Numerique (Deluxe Version)
  1. Two Times
  2. All The Love
  3. Good Blood
  4. Suffer Like Me
  5. Replay
  6. In The Aftermath
  7. Automatic
  8. Iron Leaf
  9. Louna
  10. Come Back To Me
  11. Steppin' Out
  12. Two Times (Instrumental)
  13. All The Love (Instrumental)
  14. Good Blood (Instrumental)
  15. Suffer Like Me (Instrumental)
  16. Replay (Instrumental)
  17. In The Aftermath (Instrumental)
  18. Automatic (Instrumental)
  19. Special Disco (Instrumental)
  20. Iron Leaf (Instrumental)
  21. Louna (Instrumental)
  22. Come Back To Me (Instrumental)
  23. Steppin' Out (Instrumental)
  24. Special Disco (Bonus Track)
La musique numérique
  1. Two Times
  2. All the Love
  3. Good Blood
  4. Suffer Like Me
  5. Replay
  6. In the Aftermath
  7. Automatic
  8. Special Disco
  9. Iron Leaf
  10. Louna
  11. Come Back to Me
  12. Steppin' Out
Celestial Electric (Deluxe Version)
  1. City Boy
  2. Lonely Life
  3. Can't Figure It Out
  4. Dark Into Light
  5. Different Forces
  6. Jackie Blue
  7. Somebody Like You
  8. Promises Are Never Far From Lies
  9. Down The Line
  10. The Signal
  11. Winter Sun
  12. Callahan
  13. Dillon's Song (BONUS TRACK)
  14. I Didn't Really Listen (BONUS TRACK
  15. Somebody Like (BONUS TRACK- RADIO EDIT)
  16. Spin It Around (BONUS TRACK)
  17. Dark Into Light (Radio Edit)