AK 47 Songtext

Gdje umire autoritet rađa se sloboda
  1. Crno crvene brigade
  2. Zavjera
  3. Viječna borba
  4. O sestrama brate
  5. Barikade
  6. Realnost
  7. HRT
  8. Akcija
  9. Milijuni godišnje
  10. McDonalds
  11. Profiti
  12. Teroristi
Now You'll Know
  1. Red Sun
  2. Tirana
  3. Cultural Revolution
  4. Mumia
  5. One Out of Three
  6. No More
  7. Beliefs
  8. Today's the Day
  9. A Bullet
  10. We Will Free Ourselves
  11. Oppression
  12. Another Time
  13. AK47
  14. Sellout
  15. Time's Up
  16. Where Are You
  17. This World
  18. Doesn't Mean a Thing
  19. Years
  20. Re-Education Camp #7