Adrian Snell Songtext

City of Peace, Part One
  1. Prayer for Travellers
  2. The Covenant - Lift Up Your Eyes
  3. Shema (Hear! O Israel)
  4. City of Peace (instrumental)
  5. Over the City (instrumental)
  6. O Yerushalyim
  7. On a Night of Rain in Jerusalem
  8. Night (instrumental)
  9. Moriah
  10. Day of Atonement - Lamb of God
  11. City of Peace (Solo)
  12. Feed My Lambs
  13. You
City of Peace, Part Two: My Every Breath
  1. City of Peace (reprise)
  2. My Every Breath
  3. The Cry
  4. Night 2 (instrumental)
  5. To Israel in Exile
  6. Lion of Judah
  7. The Journey Home (instrumental)
  8. Lift Up Your Eyes
  9. Children of the Dream
  10. Like a Child That Is Quieted Is My Soul
  11. Shalom
  12. City of Peace
  13. I Believe
  1. Roads to Zion
  2. Burdens of Guilt
  3. There's a Song in the Air
  4. Coverdale
  5. Like Father, Like Son
  6. Kaddish for Bergen Belsen
  7. The Last Supper
  8. Gogatha
  9. Mourning into Dancing
  10. Moments in Eternity
  11. Portrait (for Margaret)
  12. One of the Stars
  13. With the Sun on her Wings
  14. Eva's Song
  15. City of Peace
  16. After the Fire
  1. Compassion
  2. Ecclesiastes 12
  3. Goodbye October
  4. Hide Me in Your Shadow
  5. Out of the Deep
  6. Psalm 139
  7. Your Way to Me
  8. In Pastures Green
  9. The Lord's My Shepherd
  10. Carry Me in Your Heart
  11. Psalm 131
  12. Compassion (reprise)
  13. Within Me
  14. Father
  15. They Shall Be Comforted
  16. Revelation 21
  17. No More Tears