
I Wants Ta Eat Lyrics

[Male Voice:]
Welcome to Ch' Miguel
Will we be starting with c***tail today?
[Male Voice 2:]
Uh, yes. I'd like the bottle of Don Perrignon.
Some Belugio Caviar. And for the main course
We'll have the Peking Duck alaroux and the stuffed artichoke.
Peakin' Duck? I don't want no duck! Give me some pig!
Pig's Feet! And how much y'all greens cost?
And wit' dat I want some O.E., a'ight?
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Do You Wanna Ride? (1995)
You Got Me Humpin' Freak Like Me If We Make Love Tonight I Wants Ta Eat You Can Be My Nigga It's All About You Let's Go to the Sugar Shack Do You Wanna Ride? You Don't Have to Cry My Up and Down h**** for Your Love Coolin' in the Studio Baby Come Over