
Curse of Flesh Lyrics

Deep in red I see unveiled things gather
The broken masks fall down, the blood withers the rose
The game just started
Carnage severed my limbs
Her lips destroyed my wings
And I see mirrors in black
So I throw the dice again

Lost feeling of beauty or maybe positive act of wish
The matters totally confused but the fate so provocative

Lovelorn eyes emptiness
Desire erased my dreams in paint

The curse is what I feel
The inner fading away of love
Curse of flesh eternal domination facing to spirit
Eternal oh, Eternal cries, merciless mental stress
The passion for flesh strongly captures my thoughts
Dark desire or sacred l***
Almost touching symmetry
Including love and hate balanced
I'd like to betray my heart but symmetry keeps me away from it
Till fading away...

Sleepless I wander in nights but deep within the lies
Drifting into your gray thoughts astray an seducible

I cry...
Passion for flesh again...
Her shadow charms me
And hypnotized I walk
I see her figure in white
Carnage severed my limbs
Her lips destroyed my wings
And I see mirrors in black
So I throw the dice again

It's our flesh that is the greater trator
The betrayer who corrupts and weaken us
More than any other foe
Passage to post-mortem deliverance
I quench my thirst, you will be mine
Crawling on your skin-I pay
You body with my tears
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Random's Manifest (2000)