Punk is a ghetto
Checklist punk
Soap up your hair
Nice & spiky
Mohican this week's trend
Dreads will be back next week
Bondage pants
Where do you shop
Don't support them, look it ------------ here
Patches galore
To what extent
-------- at one
Better yet, not at all
Macrobiotic -----------
Cannibal punks
P.C. backlash
Chaos --------
Just want acceptance
My shirt -----------
------ the system?
No, I'm punk
Beer not bombs
------- working class?
Am I s**ist?
No, I'm an anarchist
Boyfriend's jacket in hand
Did we get paid?
------- are they on?
Dance real hard
Reaching the masses?
------ kids at our show
Boycott backlash
Overwhelmed? --------
------ wardens keep ourselves in check
Don't stray from ----
--- short term radical
Arrogant youth
In two months -----
---- punk
Punk rot
Anarcho punk
Anarchy punk? dist ---- impossible
Don't step out of line
Don't question punk ethics
----- told
Do as you think, do what is punk, do what is right
----- political
Don't be a businessman
Don't wear that suit -------
Do what you want
Escapist c**ture
Abrew the thrid ----
----- meat means dinner
No future till college
------ reactionary political tirades
Reactionary a-political ---------
You've reached the masses
Punk ghetto all 200? 300?
Count the heads
Now tomorrow they're gone
What's your point
What are you doing
Do you exist for a reason?
Is that reason punk rock?
Punk is a ghetto
We're all guilty
We all check each other in check
We bind ourselves to a set of competitive accusations
very much d.i.y. in creation
So strict are these & so great our fear of accusation
we go as far as sacrificing our dreams of a better world
We've grown so punk rock critical we turn on everything
There is a world out there beyond punk
Our revolution isn't punk
Our revolution is much grander
Reality check! Punk isn't everything!
Punk is a ghetto
Revolutionize the world not just your scene
Checklist punk
Soap up your hair
Nice & spiky
Mohican this week's trend
Dreads will be back next week
Bondage pants
Where do you shop
Don't support them, look it ------------ here
Patches galore
To what extent
-------- at one
Better yet, not at all
Macrobiotic -----------
Cannibal punks
P.C. backlash
Chaos --------
Just want acceptance
My shirt -----------
------ the system?
No, I'm punk
Beer not bombs
------- working class?
Am I s**ist?
No, I'm an anarchist
Boyfriend's jacket in hand
Did we get paid?
------- are they on?
Dance real hard
Reaching the masses?
------ kids at our show
Boycott backlash
Overwhelmed? --------
------ wardens keep ourselves in check
Don't stray from ----
--- short term radical
Arrogant youth
In two months -----
---- punk
Punk rot
Anarcho punk
Anarchy punk? dist ---- impossible
Don't step out of line
Don't question punk ethics
----- told
Do as you think, do what is punk, do what is right
----- political
Don't be a businessman
Don't wear that suit -------
Do what you want
Escapist c**ture
Abrew the thrid ----
----- meat means dinner
No future till college
------ reactionary political tirades
Reactionary a-political ---------
You've reached the masses
Punk ghetto all 200? 300?
Count the heads
Now tomorrow they're gone
What's your point
What are you doing
Do you exist for a reason?
Is that reason punk rock?
Punk is a ghetto
We're all guilty
We all check each other in check
We bind ourselves to a set of competitive accusations
very much d.i.y. in creation
So strict are these & so great our fear of accusation
we go as far as sacrificing our dreams of a better world
We've grown so punk rock critical we turn on everything
There is a world out there beyond punk
Our revolution isn't punk
Our revolution is much grander
Reality check! Punk isn't everything!
Punk is a ghetto
Revolutionize the world not just your scene