10 Ft. Ganja Plant Songtext

Bush Rock
  1. Machete Strike
  2. Soon Come
  3. Too Much Gun a Bust
  4. Cool and Collect
  5. 10 ft. Ganja Plant and Weed
  6. Bush Rock
  7. Head Shrinker
  8. Wailin'
  9. Set Me Free
  10. Got to Be a Soldier
  11. The Cyclops
  12. So Much Confusion
  13. So Much Confusion Dub
  1. Chalwa
  2. Rebel in the Hills
  3. Blues Dance
  4. Good Time Girl
  5. Sunny Foundation
  6. Why Can't They Tell Us the Good News?
  7. Jah Teach I a Lesson
  8. Off Road Version
  9. Jah Will Go On
  10. Walkey Walk Tall
  11. Top Down
  12. Politricking Man
Bass Chalice
  1. Blood Money
  2. Engine Trouble
  3. Last Dance
  4. Suits and Ski Masks
  5. To Each
  6. Burning James
  7. Your Voice
  8. Swedish Prison
  9. Deliver Us Jah
  10. Bass Chalice
Midnight Landing
  1. 100 Lb. Weight
  2. Ganja Plane Rider
  3. Kneel at the Feet
  4. Let the Music Hit
  5. Shine Dub
  6. Midnight Landing
  7. Chanting Nyabinghi
  8. Mercy
  9. Wide Open
  10. Sweet Country
  11. Righteous Dub
Hillside Airstrip
  1. Long Time Ago
  2. Pure Sugar
  3. Jah Will Go On
  4. Time I Know
  5. Soul Love
  6. Two Bulls
  7. Walkey Walk Tall
  8. Hillside Airstrip
  9. Born Free
  10. New Day